116cm x 91cm
116cm x 91cm
Japanese Painting (Mineral stone, Metal leaf, gelatin, on Japanese Paper)

The leg of octopus should be very flesh. Choose the one with brighter color in a white meat part as well as a cortex part. The patience in observation is essential while sketching.
Key Tool at This Stage: Patience
Step 2:
Enlarged the octopus sketch by photo copy machine and transferred important lines onto paper.
The Key Tool at This Stage: Photocopy machine

The materials being used at this stage:
Japanese paper, pencil, metallic leaves, gelatin and the ink for calligraphy.
Step 3:
With using a painting knife scratched the surface while the metallic leaves are still wet with. Some parts were broken by fingers to add fragile impression.
The Key Tool at This Stage: A painting knife

Step 4:
Split the image into 4 pieces and mounted them on panels.

Step 5:
Oxidized metallic leaves by pressing the sulfured paper with an iron.
Measuring the time and temperature are very important when using an iron.

Step 6:
Add some lines to enhance the tablets. Vertically stretched figures need to be emphasized to give the look competitive enough to the physically divided lines.
The materials being used at this stage:
Wooden panels, mineral stones (pigments)

Love the idea of this process. Looking forward to seeing what you do next.